Saturday, January 3, 2009

When Christmas trees fly

What does one do with one's Christmas tree in Paris when the season is over? Why, you toss it out the window! Captured in this series of images is the bon voyage of le sapin as it is bagged, poised, launched and landed in our courtyard.  With Dana spotting to make sure no innocent bystanders were mauled by the flying fir, Troy gave it the heave-ho-ho-ho from 3 stories. Really, it's easier than dragging it down stairs with a trail of needles, right?  Farewell, good tree, and thanks for your faithful service!

1 comment:

Kitten Herder said...

Did you note your neighbors participating in this activity, or did you decide to stand out from the crowd? Do highly-unionized Parisian waste disposal technicians deign to cart the trees away or does it require a special removal service?