Monday, July 28, 2008

Crab Hunting

Well, I have really done it now.  Let me set it up for you.  Take a young girl maybe 3 or so.  Take a mom who is so stressed out about an overseas move and the guilt she is harboring from taking this young child from her loving preschool, her first-ever best friends and convenient and fun babysitters.  Put that all together and you get a promise.  

Before embarking on this journey we had a ton of items to get just to bring our two cats to Paris.  We spent a  lot of time shopping for items to send and a lot of time spent in the pet stores looking for the perfect litter box, the perfect litter liners, beds, kennels.....on and on.  The ever-patient three-year old could only take so much, so some bribery came in to play to get done what was necessary.  (I am sure you all understand this form of errand completion) So, after poor said three-year old finds out she can't take her Sea Monkeys with her she poses one simple question.  "What can I have in Paris as a pet that was like my Sea Monkeys?"  Guilty, stressed out mom with child who does not want to go to the pet store for the 100th time states, "if you are a good girl maybe we can find something, I PROMISE".

Child enters pet store sees what she wants and declares she now wants a....hermit crab!  Mom giggles to herself and thinks how cute is that.  Do people really keep those things in a cage in their homes?  What a sweet little girl to want a crab.  "Ok, sweet pea, WE WILL SEE".  I'm thinking in the back of my head, "Once we get to Paris there is no way this three-year old will remember."  Everyone, quit laughing now.  Remember, she is our only child we do not have much practice in this.

So here we are present day.  Allie asks, "Will my hermit crab be in the big moving truck bringing our furniture on Thursday?" 

The hermit crab hunt is on in the city that has only dog stores.  Ideas anyone?

1 comment:

elmore3 said...

No ideas..but I wish you the best of luck!!!