Saturday, July 26, 2008

Gas pains

Today we took our first trip in our car that we just received after it spent two months traveling from the States. Since we are still living with borrowed furniture and haven't picked up the odds and ends necessary to make a house a home (like bathmats, light shades, shower curtains, etc), we made a run to chez Ikea and Carrefour in Franconville.  It's always good to get out of the city, even if it's just to a suburb.

Now, I understand gas prices are high. I understand an SUV may not be the wisest choice for those not interested in buying lots of gas.  And I understand that the dollar is pretty weak against the euro these days.  Still, I didn't anticipate spending nearly as much to fill up the car as we would spend at the stores.   The cost of one tank of gas for a Toyota Highlander:  $155.  

Still want to complain about the cost of fuel in America?

1 comment:

Mom said...

Dad tells me that it cost about 1/3that amount to fill the hylander here. Of well, we don't look out the window and see the beautiful sights of Paris. I would definetly pay that amount to be able to hug my Allie. Love, Mom