Friday, September 5, 2008

Ecole Maternelle

Boy, what a week! My life and Allie's life has been turned upside down. School started. French school started. Allie cried both morning and afternoon. She says she misses her momma. She doesn't say that she is scared or that she doesn't understand the teacher or the kids. Just that she misses me. I have to say I too miss her a lot. It is lonely without my little sidekick but I don't let her in on that. I am so proud of her for this endeavor. Right now we are taking it one day at a time and giving her encouragement and a bit of tough love. And although I have walked by her school a couple times this week and peeked in the window, she will be fine. That is the mantra for the next couple weeks.

Now, what to do with my free time is a whole different subject! Number one on the list: LEARN SOME FRENCH.

1 comment:

Kitten Herder said...

Mais, oui!

First, learn some more French. Then, I really think you should take some cooking classes. It'll be fun, and it'll probably expose you to more French stuff!

During the day, I wonder if French television has children's programming like the U.S. does. It's a great way to re-enforce your language skills. (Blue's Clues in French!!!)