Friday, August 1, 2008


As I finally got a chance to breathe and relax a bit from all the unpacking there is one thing I realized.  It is August first and Troy has now achieved a goal he has had since I met him.  An almost 17 year old goal.  August first is quite a day for him.

I am so proud of Troy and to be an Air Force wife.  (Kind of ironic given the fact that I spent over 12 hours unpacking reluctantly today thanks to another AF move!) 

Congratulations to my hubby, the new lieutenant colonel.


Mom said...

Congratulations Troy! We are so proud of you!
Love, Bob and Joanne

Kim DiPietro said...

Great job Troy!! And I am proud of you too Dana!! You are doing so well with all these moves, and I admire you. Remember in High School you never wanted to leave Manhattan Beach, and now you are living across the world!!! Good for you!!! Love hearing and reading about your adventures!!! Kim