Thursday, August 28, 2008

School is a coming!

Countdown to school!  
Anybody who has talked to me in the past year knows that my main concern moving here was what to do with the little monkey as far as schooling.  She is a quiet little girl around strangers and an all time queen talker at home.  I like to think she is the brighter one in the family. She loves to play, she loves friends, she loves to be in her own home with her family. So, come Sept. 2nd,  9:30 sharp she will be dropped off at the door of the Ecole Maternelle.  Dropped off at the door simply because her momma with the tight grasp on her only daughter is not allowed in to the building!  Welcome to France!  She starts the Moyenne section with the other 4 years olds in the French Public school system.  And she goes all day!

My point in all this is, this will be a true test of the strength and courage of Allie who does not know a lick of French.  A test for the nervous stomach of her mother who although has so much faith in her little girl has to bear the next few weeks as she navigates and eventually takes on the French language and school for all it is worth.  If we make it, sorry, if I can make it through what other expats say is the rough first month, then she will be enriched with another language, she will be able to participate in after school activities since they are all taught in French. Allie will broaden her horizons at the ripe young age of four.  

So, I will keep you posted.   I will keep a strong and united Monkey front and stand behind her. (Ok, maybe across the street from her school at the cafe, waiting with bated breath and my English to French dictionary.)  After all, at age four the fact that they can use scissors in the class room now is more important to them than saying Merci .  

Say a special "you go girl prayer for me...I mean Allie on Tuesday" .   Much Appreciated!


Kitten Herder said...

Bonne chance, chers Mama! Alexandra, bien sûr, juste mieux que vous.

French translation courtesy of iGoogle: Good luck, dear Mama. Alexandra, of course, will fair better than you will.

Monkeys in Paris said...

I know!!! She will be awesome and I will have to finish the tums in the bathroom cabinet!

elmore3 said...

I have faith in my little neicey and her momma too! All is going to go well tomorrow (your today). It is always harder on the mom! I can't wait to hear about all her french school adventures.